Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Traditions

Well it's Easter 2012. Easter is a strange time. I respect everyone's right to celebrate it or not as they see fit. It  brings out  a lot of haters though who choose to ridicule and demean others which is sad.

For me it makes me think a lot about my childhood and the way Easter was spent for me. I remember so little but I do know that Dad always bought orange smoked haddock which he poached. I loved it, all salty and with a white sauce I think. We didn't go to church but we also didn't ever eat meat and we ate hot cross buns but we couldn't have butter on them because it was an animal product.

Then on the Sunday we always had eggs, one of my favourites being an egg surrounded by soft centred chocolates. There was not a very large range of eggs in the 50's and 60's  but I remember thinking whatever we got was pretty special. I also loved the eggs that were made out of hard sugar candy. I received one once that had the end cut off and a small piece of perspex sealed across the hole. When you looked inside there was a little scene made all out of sugar. It was amazing. I don't know where it came from or who bought it and I sometimes wonder if it was my imagination but I dont think so.

Another Easter treat that we received sometimes was a pink marzipan pig. I am also not sure where this came from but I was delighted to actually see them in  a cake shop in St Kilda so I bought one and keep it behind glass.

Memory is a funny thing because sometimes I think I am remembering something from  my childhood but then I am not sure and I think it may be something I had imagined or something I am only remembering because I saw it in a photo. I was asked recently what my earliest childhood memory was and I really couldn't think of one. I have been this way for years and I think it may have something to do with having meningitis as a child. Maybe it played with my memory, although I can clearly recall a feeling of delirium which I think was associated with having the meningitis. Weird.

Anyway that was my childhood Easter. This is the first year that my kids have said no eggs please so it will feel a bit strange. I am also not going to the Folk Festival which I miss because I enjoyed it a lot. There are reason there but I am glad Lucy is having fun there being a volunteer at the coffee shop. With my own kids I remember staying awake on the saturday night for many many years until they were asleep and then making rabbit footprints up the hall with a template and flour and also getting all the soft toy bunnies and setting them up with the eggs. Always Turkish delight for Jack and both loving anything Lindt. They both like good quality chocolate.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

January holidays 2011

Well I have spent a lot of time on the internet these holidays. Have been reading blogs by Mia Freeman and Sarah Wilson, such inspiring youg women witrh great ideas and  real social conscience.  I wish I knew how to add links to their pages but not too good on the technical side of this blogging yet.

Have also been watching a lot of Jamie Oliver's 30 minute meals - a great watch and I have even managed to replicate a few. Although where one finds Elderberry cordial in Australia is a mystery.

Jack back from Africa at  lunchtime today. Will be good to see him.

Have been working on the endless cleaning out of the garage and trying to de clutter. Phew hard work. very interested in why I have the need to clutter in the first place. Something I will go into more at some time.

No time to work on family history these hols unfortunately. I think I am close to a break through on the Dublin side but  need more time.

Back to work soon and a busy year as usual. Need to work out how to manage upwards a bit more and cope with the men who run the place. The glass ceiling is very much alive where I am. Not a great place for a woman to work but I will keep on plugging away.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Wow cant believe that I have written nothing since September 2009 and now its December 2010! Maybe I have been busy :)

Had a lovely Christmas this year with my sister and her family visiting and having it at my house. I love setting up the decorations and preparing the food, although i dont do it as well as I used to.

Only down side was that Jack is away in South Africa and I am trying to be a mature Mum and pretend I am not missing him heaps and worrying every day about what might befall him. I am sure he is fine. All you can do is hope that you have brought them up with enough common sense to get them out of trouble if they are unlucky enough to get into some.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

September Holidays 2009

Well it's the holidays at last. For some reason Term 3 seemed long - must be getting older. It is lovely to not have to wake up to an alarm and to take the day easily and just see what comes. have booked tickets for Lucy and I to see Wicked so that will be atreat as will be a night in Sydney City which I miss so much. Who would have thought I would now be 15 years in canberra after spening the first 18 years of my life wanting to leave Oranmge and live by the sea!! One day maybe. Hopefully....

Have been reading "Queen Bees and Wanabees" in an effort to remember what it was like to be a teenage girl - an experience I have selectively blanked from my memory because it was so awful. Lots of good insights about raising a teenage girl which is a great help. I have to thank my dentist Jo for the tip off - amaxzing what side benefits come from a visit to the dentist.

Speaking of things medical, I ticked off 10 years post breast cancer this week. Wow! When I was diagnosed I didnt think I was going to live 10 days such was the horroe surrounding the word "cancer" back then. I think things are a little better now at least for breast cancer. So lucky I was diagnosed early.

Well off to Bunnings to buy plants and hopefully spend a lovely day in the garden. Lucy is wanting to paint her room so i think a visit to the paint shop will be in order as well.

Friday, September 11, 2009